.....when everyone starts to wonder how every day is going. At less than two weeks out, it's a pretty fair thing to wonder.
For those who like the "stats," I've been 1 cm dilated, 50% effaced, and Aiden has been chillin' at a negative 3 for the last week (since my 37 week appointment last Monday). So those are the numbers.....but from what I hear, they aren't really an indicator of when he'll come. (Could be another 3 weeks, could be tomorrow)
Speaking of my 37 week appointment, Mallory was in town and we were able to have the last sono. I loved that she could be here to see it, and really loved that it looks like our little dude has some chubby little cheeks. The sono lady estimated that Aiden weighed 6lbs 10oz at that point so they are predicting a high-7lb or low-8lb baby. I'm interested to see how close they actually get.
I will aim for at least every other day updates, and maybe I'll be super productive with daily updates. :)
I am blessed that I still feel great (some funniness going on in my legs now and then - just tingling and random pains), but nothing worth complaining about. In fact, I don't think there's anything worth complaining about from my entire pregnancy. Praise God that the last nine months have gone incredibly well.
There were a few things I was going to try to recap from the pregnancy so that I wouldn't forget them....but right now I don't remember what they were. :) Hopefully those thoughts will come back.
This week is full of "last suppers" with wonderful friends and family and I'm looking forward to all of them. Other excitement for the week includes attempting to finish thank yous before Aiden makes his appearance and snuggling up with the hubby, with just the two of us in the house for the last time for the next, eh, 20-some years.
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