Saturday, March 31, 2012

April is for Aiden

Unless something crazy happens today, it looks like we have an April baby on our hands. Aiden scored an 8/8 on his bpp test yesterday so he is still healthy in there. If he doesn't come tomorrow, I will have another doc appointment and sono on Monday. I am still feeling good and ok with him being a little late (it is what I expected) but I am also slightly concerned he is getting a bit tubby in there. Guess we will find out soon enough....

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Another One Bites the Dust

Another day that is....passes with no arrival of Aiden. Guess he didn't want Lylah's earlier due date.....

I have a sono again tomorrow, just to make sure he is still doing ok in there. Then a doctor's appointment on Monday....and then we stop letting him choose when to come since the induction is scheduled for Tuesday morning. So, April 3, 2012 is it unless the little guy (possible getting to be a pretty BIG little guy....) makes another decision. (Maybe this is another way he is like his mama? Just indecisive so he figures he'll wait until someone makes the decision for him.) :)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

It's a shame....

...that all of my attempts to bring Aiden out of my belly and into this world do not qualify as medical expenses. For example, the spicy wings I ate at Buffalo Wild Wings tonight. Or the pedicure I got the other day. Or the massage I've scheduled for Friday. Or the red raspberry leaf tea I've been drinking. All legitimate attempts to get Aiden is come out and play. I mean, I could see the logic in calling all of those medical expenses, and therefore think it makes sense to submit them for reimbursement through my flexible spending account. Unfortunately, I don't think I'm allowed to submit a paragraph stating why these sorts of things qualify and without that paragraph I don't think the people processing the claim would quite understand. And so, to no avail and without reimbursement, I continue the fruitless attempts.....

Monday, March 26, 2012

40 weeks and still cookin'

Yup, Aiden was not interested in arriving today. However, Miss Lylah, my dear friend Lauren and Josh's baby was so yayay! (We also like to refer to Miss Lylah as Aiden's future wife....) Lylah had two due dates - one according to her sonos (March 28th) and one according to the doctor's calc (April 2). I'm thinking maybe Lylah and Aiden are just switching due dates.....Hopefully Aiden goes with the March 28th date.
At my doc appointment today she said I've dilated to a 2, with everything else remaining the same, but, hey, I'll take what progress I can get. The sono technician put Aiden at 8lbs 2oz, give or take half a pound. Pretty sure I said this before, but I'm hoping he's on the take side and weighs under 7.....
But that's enough of Aiden for today. Let's celebrate Lylah! Happy birthday precious gift from God. I cannot wait to meet your darling self!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Orange for Aiden

Our childbirth class instructor said that manicures and pedicures will naturally induce labor (something about the pressure points) I figured I'd give the pedi a shot today. I painted my toes a nice orange color for Aiden since that and teal are the main colors we used to decorate his room. However, I think the pedi guy knew better than to massage the inside heels of a prego's feet....because that was the one area he did not focus on....and I'm pretty sure that's where I needed him to direct his attention. So...not really sure if Aiden will actually decide to come as a result of this, but I guess at least my toes look pretty.

Friday, March 23, 2012


I kinda maybe thought Aiden would come today....and I guess it's still possible, but so many people say that you usually go into labor at night so I feel like if he was coming today, I'd already have an idea. Yesterday I got to a point on a work project that I felt very comfortable leaving on so I thought maybe letting go of the tension I had wrapped up in the project would coax him to also let go of being inside my tummy.
Last night Ryan and I took bets on how big he will be. I said 7lbs 9oz, Ryan said 7lbs 4oz....but if he doesn't show up soon, we are going to have to up those amounts! I figured I would document them on here so that we can laugh at how off we were when he finally does make his appearance.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

At least we know we have a spring baby....

Since yesterday was the first official day of spring, we can guarantee what season our little Aiden will be born in. :) It's not seeming like today is going to be the day. Ryan is trying to convince the little guy to come tomorrow, but for some reason I think it will be next Wednesday. The doctor and sono lady have always said I measured perfectly on time so I think he'll stick around till his 40 weeks are up and then make an appearance.
(by "trying to convince" I mean that Ryan whispers to my belly and asks him to show up on Friday. Ryan also tells him to kick once for this week, twice for next's pretty funny stuff. I don't think he's really answering Ryan's questions, but I love it because Aiden reacts more to Ryan's voice than anyone else's. He'll be cool as a cucumber, not moving at all, and then Ryan will come over and start talking to him and Aiden will start moving around. Just brings a smile to my face.....)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Slowly but Surely

Our little guy is working his way down....He's at a -2 this week.....but besides that, nothing much has change. I'm holding steady at 1cm and 50% effaced. I told Ryan he's our kid - did we expect him to be anything but stubborn when it came time for his arrival?
Last night we had big storms in Dallas, and I sleep really well during storms. I think God is just giving me a few nights of great rest to prepare for the sleeplessness that is ahead.
I am hoping that Aiden decides to come on his own....if we don't see any progress by this time next week, we may talk about a plan to coax him out of there but hopefully it doesn't come to that.

Monday, March 19, 2012

All's Quiet on the Schweizer Front

Translate: no arrival of Aiden on March 19th.

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow so I'll post the (hopefully) progressed "stats."

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Still Waiting on the Little Guy

It looks like Aiden won't be sharing my lovely friend Susie's birthday, and he obviously missed her favorite holiday when he didn't show up on St. Paddy's Day. If he's on his daddy's schedule, Aiden will show up right on time (that's how Ryan likes to arrive at events), but if he's on his mom's schedule, well, I sometimes like to be fashionable late. I still think he might be here later this week, but we'll just have to see. The doc will let me get to 41 weeks, but she won't let me hit 42 so no matter what, our little guy will be with us in three weeks!

Friday, March 16, 2012

The Nesting Hubby

They (being birth class instructors and books) say that when you start nesting, baby's arrival is nearing (like 48 hours nearing). However, what they didn't cover is what it means when the dad-to-be starts nesting. Ryan has been in a checklist mode since we arrived home from the movies this evening, tackling any little project he could find, including installing the car seat base. On the other hand, I am still feeling pretty chill. So here's to seeing if Dad's nesting instincts have any bearing on when baby arrives....My predictions are the same as they were this morning, but maybe I'll wake up in a few hours and change those and we'll have a St. Patty's Day baby! O, the luck!

Not yet

Last night I felt a little funny and I've been more uncomfortable these last few days than I have the majority of my pregnancy, but I'm not sure that means he's coming. Not sure why but my predictions are that he'll show up later in the week (Wed, Thurs, or Fri)...I'm thinking next week, but he may wait until his due date week to make an appearance. I'm not sure if these feelings are mother's intuition or a parent's attempt to project her personal preferences on her child.....

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

March 14th.... looking like it will not be Aiden's birthday. Maybe he'll share his birthday with my lovely college roommate Cassie Marie on the 15th? Possible but I'm guessing not probable. We'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

It's getting to be that time...

.....when everyone starts to wonder how every day is going. At less than two weeks out, it's a pretty fair thing to wonder.

For those who like the "stats," I've been 1 cm dilated, 50% effaced, and Aiden has been chillin' at a negative 3 for the last week (since my 37 week appointment last Monday). So those are the numbers.....but from what I hear, they aren't really an indicator of when he'll come. (Could be another 3 weeks, could be tomorrow)

Speaking of my 37 week appointment, Mallory was in town and we were able to have the last sono. I loved that she could be here to see it, and really loved that it looks like our little dude has some chubby little cheeks. The sono lady estimated that Aiden weighed 6lbs 10oz at that point so they are predicting a high-7lb or low-8lb baby. I'm interested to see how close they actually get.

I will aim for at least every other day updates, and maybe I'll be super productive with daily updates. :)

I am blessed that I still feel great (some funniness going on in my legs now and then - just tingling and random pains), but nothing worth complaining about. In fact, I don't think there's anything worth complaining about from my entire pregnancy. Praise God that the last nine months have gone incredibly well.

There were a few things I was going to try to recap from the pregnancy so that I wouldn't forget them....but right now I don't remember what they were. :) Hopefully those thoughts will come back.

This week is full of "last suppers" with wonderful friends and family and I'm looking forward to all of them. Other excitement for the week includes attempting to finish thank yous before Aiden makes his appearance and snuggling up with the hubby, with just the two of us in the house for the last time for the next, eh, 20-some years.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Oh, the difference five months makes....

Almost five months ago I bought a new shirt for my sister's bachelorette party. It is a pretty loose-fitting shirt so I decided to wear it to work today since it can still contain my belly and isn't a sweater. (While I love warm Texas weather, most maternity stuff I have is winter gear, and since it's hanging out in the mid-70s these days, the warm fuzzy tops don't seem so fitting.) Anyway, I thought it was funny to compare the picture of me in this shirt five months ago, hand on my belly to point out that there was a baby in there, to me in this shirt today, no hand necessary. :)