Thursday, May 31, 2012


Who went nearly 10 hours between feedings and slept for 8.5 of those hours? This guy:
(side note - He's started staring at that monkey....sometimes laughing at it like they are sharing an inside joke and sometimes giving it the serious stare down like he's putting it in it's place.)
I'm not getting high hopes for a consistent schedule yet. We've had other 7, 8, 9 hours stints, but they were all short-lived. Still, I'll take it when I get it.
I think Mr. A has been adjusting to waking up in the morning. He's like his mama in that he likes to sleep later in the morning, but we've been taking dad to work this week (taking care of two boys = lack of posts....) so Aiden has been waking up in the mornings. However, it seems to confuse his entire day because then he just fusses a lot and doesn't nap much. So really I think last night was catching up on two days of sleep. But like I said, I'll take it.
Other excitement over the last week included a successful trip (meaning not fussing) to Saturday night life group, blowing out his first diaper (not one of those horror stories (yet)....just seriously soiled his pjs and the blanket he was wrapped in), and getting a pair of new shades (still has to grow into them a little....)
Over the last week-ish he's really started packing on the pounds, and I think his face is changing a lot. He met his 1.5 week old buddy Lucas yesterday and we are pretty sure that Aiden is twice Lucas' size!
Lauren and Lylah are en route and Josh will be joining us tomorrow for a fun-filled weekend with two infants. I'm predicting Lylah and Aiden will bring out the best in each other so they'll be cheery all the time and sleep through every night they are together. :)

Friday, May 25, 2012


During yesterday's tummy time, Mr. A decided it was time to roll over - twice! I was torn between recording him and watching in amazement....and amazement won out. So, no video. But it would be a bit of a lengthy video anyway....he's not the most efficient roller yet. We'll let him build up his skills before we put them on display for the world to see.
In other news, Ryan is recovering from his surgery nicely and feeling better day by day. We are going to celebrate the holiday weekend.....with lots of R&R. Aiden's still loves cuddling up in the boppy to get some good rest. I think it keeps him nice and warm, and that kid loves to be warm. When he wakes up from his best naps, he's a little on the sweaty side. I guess loving warmth is just another way he's like his mama....

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Lots happening!

Mr. A has had an exciting couple of days. He spent the night in his crib last night for the first time (we eased into it by way of nap times...he wasn't a fan of having all that free space.) Way more exciting development is that Aiden started mimicking me by making a clicking noise with his tongue! I'm going all sappy for a minute, but yesterday when he mimicked me for the first time it was one of my favorite days so far.....just such a satisfying and happy that kiddo and the fact that he seems to have a clue about loving me.
In between all that, Ryan had his back surgery and Shans came to visit. She's fabulous for lots of reasons - one of them being that she was willing to spend a long weekend with a baby and new mom (who both have fluctuating levels of fussiness). Shannon helped me (ok, it's more like I helped Shannon) build a mobile for Aiden and he loves it! Since Ryan is down and out, I just have to figure out how to hang it....maybe he'll just be using it while laying on the ground instead of in his crib for the next few weeks. :)

Had to share this one......One of my favorite instances of the weekend - Aiden and Shannon wearing matching cute!

Friday, May 18, 2012


Sometimes you just have to make do with what you have, like using burp cloths as blankets. Not sure if they were dirty or clean, but Aiden was warm during his nap....

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

New York and then some....

Aiden has had a very busy week, hence the lack of posts. He made his first trip to NY and met all sorts of wonderful family and friends. He was a fabulous baby, except for the night we discovered that Aiden does not like Twizzlers (I know, who would have me though, he was very vocal about not being a fan). We couldn't believe how great of a baby he was on the plane. He spent most of the time looking like this:
Pretty sure he loved the fact that he was all bundled up in the Bjorn and that he got to spend so much time snuggling with his daddy. Oh - and the noise of the jet engine. He loved that too because he loves noise. (After returning home we tried to find a jet engine sound machine but didn't have any luck....dang.) He was such a good baby, in fact, that he earned his first pair of wings for flying from a very sweet stewardess. (look closely at back of Bjorn)
In fact the only real mishaps on the flights were with me. Getting off the plane from the second flight into NY, I managed to leave a small cooler with a bottle and a few bags of "liquid gold" (had to be a super fun find for someone....) and Ryan's drivers license. Opps. Luckily they decided he wasn't too scary looking of a guy and let him come back to Texas a few days later.

Aiden and Daddy picked out a lovely first mother's day present and Ryan also gave me a beautiful birthstone ring to celebrate Aiden's arrival. Have I mentioned before how blessed I am? :)

Here's to a happy hump day for everyone! (used to be my least favorite day of the week when I was at work.....). I think Aiden agrees with my thoughts on hump day.....

Monday, May 7, 2012

according to Aiden.....

This is what was accomplished today:
Yup, getting Aiden to sleep. Courtney had a few extra things she thought she would get done, but according to Aiden the day has been a success. Lots of time lovin' on Mr. A that resulted in (a little) sleep. Based on his arrival and his sleep habits, it looks like Aiden's approach to life may be taking his time to accomplish a task. Do we have a procrastinator on our hands???

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Tum Time

We attempted some tummy time on the boppy last week....but Aiden decided nap time sounded like a better idea. He can hold his head up.....really, he can....but sometimes it is exhausting for his little self to think about exerting so much effort. So we have to rest instead.

In another not-so-stunning display of strength, we took one month pictures with Buddy. (Aiden says thanks to Miss Jess for his awesome friend!) Aiden started out mimicking Buddy's posture....but it wasn't long before he was cuddling with Buddy's leg.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


Just want to say a HUGE thank you to those of you who have brought us food, checked in on us and came to see us over this past month. You have made our transition to parenthood a smooth and enjoyable ride. We've been able to spend this last month just focused on our growing family because of your support. Thank you, thank you! You are a blessing to us.

One Month Down

Aiden has been out in this world for an entire month.....crazy how fast time passes! He was all smiles about his first "birthday" this morning.

We went to the doctor on Tuesday and he weighed in at 9lbs, 1oz and was 22 inches long. However he went through a growth spurt yesterday, and I think he gained a solid half pound or more. (Weight gain is based on the scientific data that he feels heavier today than he did yesterday.)
Aiden's most apparent growth is in his length. When we came home from the hospital, the only onesies that fit him were the Gerber brand outfits, but I noticed that he bares a little chest in those outfits these days. Good thing he had to wear long sleeves this past weekend so the ladies couldn't notice. Guess it's time to pack away the first set of clothes...

(ps - Slideshow, smideshow.......)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Kansas Here We Came!

Things learned during Aiden's first car trip:
1) Do not travel during fuss time in the evening. This is what Aiden feels like when you do that:

2) If we had any hope of Aiden loving his car seat, we are pretty sure we ruined it.
3) Add a minimum of an hour to the total trip time when making it with a kiddo.....and don't expect it to only take one additional hour.
4) Don't change a baby boy on the front seat of your car when the nice, warm sun is pouring in the windows - unless you want to clean your car next.
5) Aiden and Lylah are going to make a really cute couple once daddy Josh decides it's ok for Lylah to date. :)

6) Can't wait for the next (longer) trip back!