Monday, September 29, 2014

39 Weeks

At this point with Aiden, I think I'd gone to daily updates....which I am considering doing again....if I can get myself on here every day.

Went to the doc today....found out baby is holding steady at pretty much the exact same place as last week (2cm, 50% effaced). Sooo, yeah. I think I am just too good of a landlord and make my belly a good place for those babies to stay. Not sure how it's really comfortable anymore - movements are definitely slowing down, which must mean it's getting tight in there. But, movements are still happening, which I guess means it can't be too miserable yet.

We have a definite autumn baby, which I like. My babes have been born in my favorite seasons (spring and fall!) so that's kinda fun. I like that they've both bordered  months too. With Aiden, I didn't even consider that I would have an April baby....with this one I had some wishful thinking that I might have a September baby. But, unless little one wants to show up tomorrow, we will have an October kiddo.

One thing I realized just yesterday - this kid has never had hiccups! It took Aiden a long while to have them, but he most definitely did. This kid doesn't move as much in general (I choose more movement if I get to pick...but I don't). It's crazy how different I already feel like these kids will be (and yes I am making a huge generalization partly off a lack of hiccups.....). :) Can't wait to really find out!

Great Wolf Lodge!

We took a little family "staycation" last weekend and went to Great Wolf Lodge for a night. Ryan and I both took a day/half day off work, and we picked up Aiden right after nap time and headed over to Grapevine. The place was already hopping when we got there to check in! A few minutes in line, off to our room to change and then some time at the water park. Aiden was good to spend about an hour there and then he was done. But he was happy to run around the arcade for probably just as long, just pushing buttons and climbing in and out of the little cars his size. We also went to the evening story time, but found it much more interesting to climb multiple flights of stairs than listen to a story.

He crashed quickly and Ryan and I spent some time sitting on our little patio just chatting about life. Poor Aiden woke up in a state of confusion in the middle of the night so we threw him in bed with us and soaked up all the Aiden cuddles we could get.

The next morning we took in the Wolf Walk around the hotel (which I thought was a pretty big bummer) and ended up at the staircase again. Some more time in the water park and of course the arcade (such good free entertainment for a 2.5 year old....I had no idea!). We took some pics with the characters there....which Aiden wasn't too sure able (take a look below....). We were home shortly after nap time and little man crashed again.

It was a perfect little family weekend....I really couldn't have pictured it going much better. (Ryan and I did have the start of bummer colds but nothing too miserable that it ruined our fun.) I am so grateful to have this memory and time to look back on as we grow from a family of 3 to a family of 4!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Waiting on baby

I started going to the chiro on Tuesday....who told me my hips were not quite aligned so she proceeded to align them....and as she did, she told me she was pretty sure baby dropped. The doctor confirmed that a little bit later when he said, "this baby is low!" and gave me stats of 2cm, 50% effaced and baby hanging out at -1. That's actually farther along than I was with Aiden at 40 weeks, which makes me think little one is coming in the next week. Some things you probably don't care to hear about started happening today that made me think baby may be coming in the next 48-ish hours...but watch me be sitting here typing out an update next week, baby still curled up in my belly. Any which way is good by me. I am ready to meet little one, but now that baby has dropped and chiro has aligned my hips, I'm a lot more comfortable. I am also getting over a bit of a cold that Aiden had last week and passed along to me so I wouldn't be upset to have the time to get better before baby gets here.

Last week both my work and Ryan's work were very sweet and did showers for us. Mine was completely unexpected - we had a group lunch at Chuy's and there were a few extra people waiting there that I did not expect. I love a good surprise, and I was SO surprised so that was really fun. They are the sweetest co-workers and friends and gave baby plenty of diapers and wipes, along with a changing pad, some books, blankets and other helpful items. One of the gals wrapped her gift in butcher paper and she'd written James 1:17 on it in chalk in beautiful handwriting. It was the perfect wrapping paper for our little one....I should have taken a picture of it all laid out before I trimmed it up to frame a few of the words...and it was very thoughtful of her to put so much time into it. I loved it enough I used some of the paper and one of the bows she made to make pics for baby's side of the room.

Ryan's work shower was supposed to be a surprise for him....but Ryan is a bummer at surprises and investigates until he figures things out so he knew what was up, but it was still very thoughtful of them and it was fun to meet lots of his co-workers. They gave us a very helpful gift card to Target, and also played a fun game of letting everyone guess baby's arrival date, time, length, weight and gender. The scales are tipped slightly toward a little lady. :)  Everyone's guess is good with this point I feel pretty clueless. I was totally team girl in the beginning...but then I had a dream it was a little boy and looked him in the face and called him Jude. But my linea nigra hardly showed up this time and just barely on the bottom half of my belly....nothing like the dark, mismatched line I had for Aiden....which, according to old wives, means it's a gal. So, we will of these days, very soon.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Nine Months!

Last Sunday marked the start of 9 months....and yesterday was 37 weeks so really baby could show up at any point now. Crazy how fast this pregnancy has gone by! The doc did "the check" at my appointment last week and said I was 1cm and 25% effaced....which could really just amount to a whole lot more waiting. With Aiden I started showing some signs by 37 weeks....and he came at 41 weeks.

I've never been a gal that completely loved pregnancy, but there are some definite perks to growing this belly. Like people are extremely nice. And I can eat pretty much whatever and not feel (too) judged. I also think it's fun to have my own personal table in the form of a belly so when I sit down somewhere but don't have a place for my cup, plate, etc., I just use what the baby gave me.

One of my favorite things for both my pregnancies has been pregnancy hair, though. Yup. My hair. Normally if I try to skip a day of hair washing, it is pretty obvious by the end of day two. With pregnancy hair? I can go four days and people still think I washed it that morning. It may be true that fixing my hair is in my top ten of things I like to do least. So, yeah, pregnancy hair is awesome. Probably not tempting enough to have a third pregnancy....but worth considering. :)

If life goes like we've planned (I know, typing those words alone is dangerous...), this will be my last pregnancy. Lots of reasons....maybe for another post. But, the thought that this is it makes me love these last few weeks, even if my back is sore, I have strange pain in my shoulder, I am pretty sure the baby is messing with my sciatic nerve, and I wake up entirely too many times at night for bathroom breaks that I struggle to get out of bed for. This growing a baby business is not comfortable, but it's pretty awesome and I am so grateful for the blessing of my pregnancy experiences.

With Aiden, I was so nervous about delivery, I didn't mind how late he came. With this bebe, I'm ready any time he/she wants to come, but I'm going to love on this belly for as many days as I'm blessed to have it.

Will there by a 40 week picture?  We shall see.....

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Shake Your Riding Mower Booty

Aiden decided to create a toddler version of the riding mower (this is the best pic I could get as he was rounding the corner)...

And I decided to teach him a (potentially inappropriate?) song, based on the breakfast we had one morning....