Tuesday, July 30, 2013

One-Five (or 15) Months

Friday was our 15 month check up. The nurse kindly pointed out that Aiden was actually 15 & 3/4 months. Eh, it's true. I try to be good about getting him in as close to the 3rd of every month as possible, but with all the time I'd taken off for sick people and travel the last few months, this one came a little later. Plus, I wanted the horrible, wretched, no-good CND to be gone by his check-up. I'd say we are at a 95% success rate there....

So, it was time for three shots, which little man took like a champ. This was actually the first appointment with shots that I'd been sans Ryan. Aiden fussed while they were happening but was fine as soon as I scooped him up. He even helped pulled the Bugs Bunny and friends band-aids off a few hours later.

Even though Buddha belly might indicate otherwise, Aiden is staying strong in the 10th percentile for weight (22lbs 6oz).....and 25th percentile for height (30 3/4 inches). Poor, little guy. Maybe that's why God gave him all that hair....we can spike it up and add a few inches.

Aiden grows more active by the day, and most days I find him doing something new and hilarious. Like this weekend, during story time. My sister deemed it jungle gym time. I think maybe he's trying to imitate his daddy? Whatever it was, he spent the entire reading of Cat in the Hat in some semblance of this position.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Fifty and Fabulous

Yeah, that's this lady:

Whose birthday we got together to celebrate over July 4th. (Hopefully the word "fabulous" in the title will help her overlook the fact that I just told the entire world her age....however, we spread the word via t-shirts already so I bet she'll still love me.)

The same gals who made these awesome cookies for Aiden's first birthday, made some more delicious cookies for the 50th birthday par-tay. Seriously, if you live in the KC area and ever need cookies for a gathering, let me know. Delicious, adorable, very reasonable priced. Did I mention that they are delicious?

Aiden was an All-American Hero in celebration of Independence Day. I'm pretty sure it's the only way I could get the sign off from Dad on Aiden wearing "sparkles". (notice the cape) I was also pretty sure Aiden would enjoy using his super hero flying power a lot more than he actually did.

We love time with the family, but this was especially special since we were celebrating the 4th (my second favorite holiday!), Aunt Karen's 50th, and it was the first time the AZ family got to meet Aiden. So much fun. I think we'll do it again sometime. :)


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Sweet sign

We went up to Kansas for 4th of July (pictures and stories to come....) and Mal discovered the most wonderful sign while antiquing. Aiden will always know Auntie M is full of love for him. Makes my heart so happy this boy is loved so much.