Thursday, November 29, 2012


.....are super yummy! Just ask Aiden.

Up, Up & Away!

Aiden made the 4th flight of his seven and a half month life to celebrate his first Thanksgiving in NY. He likes the window seat on the planes, just like his momma.

I will say that, at least for Aiden, the younger he was, the more he (we?) enjoyed the flights (i.e. slept on the plane). These days he wants to be moving about, and a tiny seat on a plane with the headrest of the person in front of you leaning back in your face does not allow for much movement. (Ryan and I especially experienced this on the return flight when we were on attempt 768 to get "situated" and spilled hot tea all over us. No worries....bebe was spared. This was less than an hour in to the 3.5 hour flight so we spent the rest of the ride a little tanner and damper. Lovely.) We are on flight sabbatical until May so hopefully A does not go through withdrawals.

While in NY we spent quality time with the fam, and Aiden enjoyed playing with his cousins (despite the fact his face may say otherwise....he LOVES those two!).

He also enjoyed his first round of Christmas gifts, which included a Radio Flyer, and his feet almost touch the ground when he sits on it.

Grandma got him an adorable puffer coat (have I ever mentioned that I love most things puffer). To celebrate the season, we reenacted the Randy look from the Christmas Story. That or Aiden just looks like he's stuck like Randy when he's wearing his jacket....

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Yum, yum!

Aiden's Thanksgiving grub may include some frozen water:

That results in rosy posy cheeks:
Hope your holiday chow is a little more flavorful than A's! Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Daddy's Contraption

I have a feeling this will not be the first time Daddy makes a creative sort of contraption for his kiddo....

Monday, November 5, 2012

siete! (meses)

Little mister has been enjoying his food this past month. By the calculations on my (not-so-accurate at five months) scale, Aiden is weighing in around 14lbs 13oz, which is a half pound gain in the last month. He only gained 5oz for the previous two months combined before this so I'd say that's a good gain. My tape measurer calcs say we are still 26.5 inches. Aiden doesn't go for another official weigh in until 9 months so you'll have to tolerate my poor calculations for another month.
Aiden took his regular picture with Buddy, who he then actually played with for a few minutes (usually he just looks at him or falls into his soft, furry body) before being distracted by a cord, which has most recently become his favorite chew toy. Did I mention that we are working on this baby proofing thing?

My Little Treat

I meant to put up a Halloween picture last week....and very obviously missed the mark. My little Halloween treat was this smarty pants:
Who stayed up long enough to put on his costume, take a picture with his pumpkin (without the glasses because he just wasn't up for those things on his face!), and answer the door for the first trick-or-treater (but in his bath towel by that point in time). Maybe we'll make it to the door still in costume next year.