Monday, June 27, 2016


Poor Sophia is just at "that age." The one where desire to do something and coordination don't quite line up, which ends in lots of boo boos. I remember Aiden at this age...the kid busted up half his face falling down one stair at the park, he gashed his chin on the bathtub, fun stuff like that. Well Sophia does not want her brother to have all the war wounds so she's doing her best to keep up. 

A few weeks ago we were hanging out at the neighbor's and she decided to stand up in the adult size chair she'd been sitting in (that adult size thing matters because it means she was higher off the ground). Well, the metal legs of the chair weren't super secure on the pebbled driveway so the chair didn't take too kindly to a standing toddler and Sophia fell forehead first onto the driveway. Big ouch. This happened on June 1st and the girl still has a visible lump on her head. 

Right in the center is a nice dot where she landed squarely on a pebble. Yeah, this one called for immediate meds. 

Now might also be a good time to mention that we made our first ER visit at the end of March...with Sophia. Short version of the story is that daycare called around 8:30 and said Sophia basically wouldn't use her left arm at all. They thought it was her shoulder. A few hours later they called back and said it was definitely her elbow. I took the first available doc appointment but that wasn't until 2pm. When we got to the doc, he thought she might have fractured it because of the way she just let it hang limp at her side. So, to the ER for X-rays we went. 

I won't spend much time dwelling on how sad Sophia was but the girl refused to do a thing with her arm. Her left thumb is the one she sucks and she would not even consider putting it in her mouth...just hurt her way too much to bend her arm. So we went for the X-ray and moments, literally moments after the X-ray, she had that dang thumb in her mouth. She was all better! Turned out she had a nursemaids elbow and the way they'd positioned her arm for theX-ray  popped it back into place. 

How'd it happen? Well, no one had eyes on the exact situation but Sophia had cried out that morning and Aiden was standing next to her. My guess is that he was "helping" her get up and pulled too hard or from the wrong angle and the end result was a mere $700+ bill two weeks before we closed on our new house. Timing is always perfect. :) Here are a few shots of my very sad little girl on her ER outfit. I think half the reason they gave this to us is because we'd taken her shirt off at the doctor but it hurt her so much that I just brought her to the ER bare chested. 

Everyone is healthy and happy today so cheers to that! We'll see what the evening holds...

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