Monday, September 29, 2014

39 Weeks

At this point with Aiden, I think I'd gone to daily updates....which I am considering doing again....if I can get myself on here every day.

Went to the doc today....found out baby is holding steady at pretty much the exact same place as last week (2cm, 50% effaced). Sooo, yeah. I think I am just too good of a landlord and make my belly a good place for those babies to stay. Not sure how it's really comfortable anymore - movements are definitely slowing down, which must mean it's getting tight in there. But, movements are still happening, which I guess means it can't be too miserable yet.

We have a definite autumn baby, which I like. My babes have been born in my favorite seasons (spring and fall!) so that's kinda fun. I like that they've both bordered  months too. With Aiden, I didn't even consider that I would have an April baby....with this one I had some wishful thinking that I might have a September baby. But, unless little one wants to show up tomorrow, we will have an October kiddo.

One thing I realized just yesterday - this kid has never had hiccups! It took Aiden a long while to have them, but he most definitely did. This kid doesn't move as much in general (I choose more movement if I get to pick...but I don't). It's crazy how different I already feel like these kids will be (and yes I am making a huge generalization partly off a lack of hiccups.....). :) Can't wait to really find out!

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