Friday, April 27, 2012

To Grandma's House We Go

Aiden is making his first road trip to visit/meet KS family and friends. In honor of heading to Grandma's house, I put him in one of his Grandma which I'm pretty sure he responded, "Yippee!" Let's hope he feels the same way once we get in the car.....and continues feeling like that when we are still in the car hours later.....

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Who Needs Sleep?

Have you ever had a behavior that you thought was good, until you saw that same behavior in someone else (for instance, your child).....and realized just maybe your idea of good was, well, not so much?
That's what I've discovered these last few days with sleep. For as long as I can remember, I've felt like I didn't need all that much sleep and I've been happy with that. Well, it appears Aiden feels the same way about his little self....but he is not so happy about that. In order to get him to sleep during the day, I put him in the sling and walk around the house (see example below). At night....well, we are still working on figuring out that solution. I'm pretty sure my mom is not-so-secretly laughing at this situation....I guess what goes around, comes around, huh?

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Laughter.... the best medicine they say. And when your little man laughs for the first time, even if it happens to be at 3:30 in the morning, I'd have to agree. My entire day was made by that early morning laugh. We managed to get two more laughs out of Mr. A, but I wasn't able to capture any laughs on video. I did, however, get a video of one of Aiden and Daddy's favorite activities.....let's call it 'Wind in the Face.' (In case the name is misleading, the game goes like this - Ryan blows air in Aiden's face.)
Hope something in your day makes you as happy as 'Wind in the Face!'

Friday, April 20, 2012

Seat or Slide?

One of Aiden's favorite places to chill is his little lamb seat. When we first put him in it, his head is nice and high, at the top of the seat. However, after a good nap, the little guy is practically sliding out of the chair (and looking incredibly confused about it....could also be affected by the waking up effect that he isn't a big fan of...). Soooo, does Aiden think he's hanging out in a seat or on a slide?

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Bend It Like Beckham

Ok, so Mommy didn't put gel in Aiden's hair, but we did play with it a little. Since he was wearing a "sporty" outfit and Daddy is a soccer player, it made sense to give him a Beckham hairdo.
Mr. A has been super gassy, and therefore fussy, these last few days. The doctor recommended mylicon so we gave it a try last night, and it seems like we may have found a solution. (hopefully I'm not celebrating too soon.....) A little bit of mylicon after each feeding, and we have our happy baby back. Yay!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I'm with the band

Dear Kristen, while you are enjoying sun and sand in Grand Cayman, I am enjoying the rock star onesie you made for me. So much so, that I thought I would sport a messy 'do to go along with it. Yup, I have enough hair it can be styled. Maybe Mommy will break out the hair gel tomorrow....
Love, Aiden

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Two weeks in....

....and the little guy seems to be adjusting well to life in the big world. At his two week check-up today we found out that our "little" guy has surpassed his birth weight (7lbs 12oz) and hit 8lbs 2oz. The goal was to get back to birth weight so does he get extra points for gaining an additional 6oz? According to the nurses measurements, he's also grown 1/2 two weeks! He was 20.5 inches on birth day and measured a solid 21 inches today. My little man is just a growing machine!
He's also a little chatter box when he's feeling cheery. He's a video where he starts out with cheery chatter....and then possibly ends with a bit of an uncheery shrill.....

Friday, April 13, 2012


(Side note....which I know typically occurs in the middle of a story but I'm just going to start out with one. If you are anxiously awaiting the slideshow of Aiden pictures, it will make its appearance. However I need a good uninterrupted hour or two to figure it all out, and it turns out that's a little difficult to string together these days. Maybe this weekend while Ryan is home I will get it figured out....but don't keep your fingers crossed....)
While we all await the slideshow, I will just update with stories and pictures. For example, the frog. I am pretty sure Aiden was froggin' it when he was in my belly because the frog continues to be his favorite position outside of my belly.
Here is a picture of Aiden at two days (snuggling with his Auntie M):
And here is a picture of Aiden with Daddy at ten days out:
Yeah, he is my little frog prince. love that kid....

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Like Father, Like Mother

Slideshow still to come....but while we are waiting, I thought I would take a minute to mention how Aiden is like his dad and mom.
Like Father...I mean, have you seen the hair on the little man's head? If not, check it out. Some people have commented that Ryan and Aiden both have the Bieber look going.
Like Mother....Aiden got his mom's feet, her love of stretching when waking up and her dislike for having to wake up, as you can see in this video:
Oh, Mr. Aiden, we love learning more and more about you every day!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Happy One Week My Little Man!

My blogging absence means one thing....yes, our little guy finally made it into this world! One week ago, at 8:55am, Aiden James Schweizer took his first non-amniotic fluid filled breath of life.
The short and clean version of the story goes like this - Aiden wanted to take his time getting here in all respects...from being 8 days late to taking 18 hours during delivery. (And he made sure to cause his share of complications during delivery in order to extend the process...taking his first poo in my tummy, dropping his heart rate during contractions, being born sunny-side up.....he tried everything he could to delay his entry into the world.)
But he made it. Happy and healthy, he made it.
And now he is the sunshine of our daily lives. We love that God has entrusted this precious little man to us, and we look forward to all the weeks ahead with him.
(I am going to attempt to post a slideshow of photos from his first week...but no promises I'll get it figured out. I may end up just putting up a bunch of pictures...One way or another, he's sweet little face will make its blog debut!)