Wednesday, September 2, 2015

10 months and heading to the beach!

I didn't want the 9 month post (or the 8 month post...or the....) to feel lonely and neglected so I decided to make sure it had a friend who was equally tardy and am posting this a little later in the month. If it counts for anything, I've written pieces of the post in my head over the last 3 weeks.

We are excited around here about our beach trip. Aiden's been asking for weeks if we are leaving for the beach every morning when we left the house and I finally got to tell him yes! Happy camper. He's still working on his concept of time. Last weekend I told him one week to the beach. On Tuesday I tried to tell him four days until we left, but he kept insisting that it was one week....I think because one is less than four, and saying four days meant I was surely adding on time. So, we've spent the entire week saying 'one week till the beach.'

Aiden continues to expand his vocabulary from the last post (or not at all) and this week in the car while I was trying to teach Soph some words he chimed in, "Sophia, say poopy". Sigh. At least "poopy" will not be her first word. Her first official word was "uh-oh", at somewhere around the 9 month mark. (In second child-style, I can't remember if it was right after or before.) Just a few days after turning 10 months, she started saying "mama" and "dada" (but for the record, she said "mama" first).

She's a bundle of hilarious energy these days. She adores peek-a-boo and plays it so well. She also likes to play "chase" - where she crawls away from you as quickly as possibly and then charges back towards you at baby crawling speed, dives her head into your lap, and laughs the entire time while doing it. It's wonderfully awesome.

She's eating all table food these days....started that at the very end of 8 months. The abundance of time in my schedule was grateful for a little lady who could eat at the same time with the rest of the family so I was no longer trying to get two spoons simultaneously to two different mouths (hers and mine), which oftentimes ended with momma eating a cold meal long after everyone else had left the table. She loves food, just as much as her brother, which is nice.

I tried to take Sophia's 10 month pictures and this is how they went...

Aiden had a slightly better outcome...

Do I think she's going to give me attitude in life? What would even cause you to pose that question....:) Happy teenage days ahead!

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