Monday, September 24, 2012

Big city, Bright lights

Really we only spent one day in the city, and it was pretty much during daylight hours. (oh - except for the part where just the gals stayed behind to see an AWESOME Broadway performance of The Lion King.) The babies did a fabulous job. I say babies because our dear friends Josh, Lauren and Miss Lylah (aka Aiden's future bride) surprised Ryan by making the trip up to NY to celebrate his birthday. When Ryan saw Josh at the airport, he stared at him with a very confused look and asked 'what are YOU doing here?' Hilarious.
We showed the Worleys the sights and sounds of the Big City on Thursday when we flew in. Aiden and Lylah were complete troopers and pretty much lived in their carriers (ate, slept, observed...and all other fun baby activities) while we were in the city.
(Getting ready to board the plane....with no idea how good of friends him and Bjorn are about to become.)
(Josh and Ryan just missed the cut for the show...)

(The babies may or may not have matching outfits that they wore.)

Friday we hung at the house and surprised Ryan (again) with a party (because what's a 30th birthday without a party, right?). Ryan's sister and mom orchestrated the majority of the details and it never would have happened without them so props to those gals. Love and appreciate you SO much!
In preparation for the party, Aiden got his first haircut. (small tear) I held off as loooong as I could, but the poor kid had hair all over the place and it wouldn't stay out of his fabulous Aunt Jackie took the scissors to it. It was a sweet haircut, but it still made him look more grown up, just like I didn't want. I shouldn't worry too much though. It's been a little over a week, and I think it's grown about an inch.
(first snip!)

(pretty sure that's the same length of hair I lose when I get a trim)

(big boy haircut)

(showing off his new 'do)
Saturday was Aiden's first Yankees game (and mine and Ryan's first game in the new stadium). This is the part of the trip Ryan was most excited for - taking his son to his first game. :) Again, the babies were awesome....very adaptable - so mommies and daddies could enjoy the day.

(Aiden and Lylah were sporting their game faces...ready for some serious cheering.)

Sunday we said our goodbyes and came back home. It was a FABULOUS trip, and Ryan was surprised every step of the way, which made me very happy. (There were so many time I was SURE he was on to different aspects of the trip.) Thanks to everyone who made this a wonderful, memorable celebration!
I'll leave this post on this note - In honor of Daddy's birthday, Aiden learned another new trick. (He learned how to do this while passing time on the subway in the city.) That kid...always got something new up his sleeve!

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