Thursday, May 31, 2012


Who went nearly 10 hours between feedings and slept for 8.5 of those hours? This guy:
(side note - He's started staring at that monkey....sometimes laughing at it like they are sharing an inside joke and sometimes giving it the serious stare down like he's putting it in it's place.)
I'm not getting high hopes for a consistent schedule yet. We've had other 7, 8, 9 hours stints, but they were all short-lived. Still, I'll take it when I get it.
I think Mr. A has been adjusting to waking up in the morning. He's like his mama in that he likes to sleep later in the morning, but we've been taking dad to work this week (taking care of two boys = lack of posts....) so Aiden has been waking up in the mornings. However, it seems to confuse his entire day because then he just fusses a lot and doesn't nap much. So really I think last night was catching up on two days of sleep. But like I said, I'll take it.
Other excitement over the last week included a successful trip (meaning not fussing) to Saturday night life group, blowing out his first diaper (not one of those horror stories (yet)....just seriously soiled his pjs and the blanket he was wrapped in), and getting a pair of new shades (still has to grow into them a little....)
Over the last week-ish he's really started packing on the pounds, and I think his face is changing a lot. He met his 1.5 week old buddy Lucas yesterday and we are pretty sure that Aiden is twice Lucas' size!
Lauren and Lylah are en route and Josh will be joining us tomorrow for a fun-filled weekend with two infants. I'm predicting Lylah and Aiden will bring out the best in each other so they'll be cheery all the time and sleep through every night they are together. :)

1 comment:

  1. Updation! LOL :) Aiden is getting SO big!! We are going to have to schedule another lunch date before you come back to work!!
