Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Sleep Insanity

There are some things that books, people, webpages, (wherever you like to get your info) try to "tame" down. Sleep regression is one of them. I remember Aiden's previous sleep regressions when he was an infant. That was a fair enough name. His schedule shifted a little and it took a few days to adjust. Now that he must be officially classified as a toddler, I'm pretty sure he must also leave behind the word "regression." In our house, we will replace it with the word "insanity." Sleep insanity.

This is what we went through both Friday and Saturday night. Aiden was WIDE awake from 9:30pm to 1:30am on Friday. If we'd had the slightest clue what we happening we would have just let the kid run wild. That's basically how the night ended anyway....with poor Ryan laying on the the floor in Aiden's room while Aiden rearranged all of his stuffed animals, attempted to get piggy back rides from daddy and did laps around his room. 

Saturday wasn't much better. The awakeness was also accompanied by continual very sad cries for someone to join in Aiden's insane little world. We tried to tough it out for a little longer on Saturday, but these cries were literally non-stop and horrible to hear. At one point Aiden finally sat down to cry (he generally stood in the corner of his crib, waiting for his rescuer). He was so tired from this craziness that he fell asleep sitting up. Hilarious and heartbreaking at the same time.

We read that sleep regression insanity generally happens when a child is learning a new skill. Aiden's new skill appears to be his language development. He woke up Saturday morning saying words I'd never heard before - "sharkie," "picture" and "dog". (Up until now, it's been "gog"....No idea why because he says d's just fine in other words.....but Saturday morning it was gog no more!) He was enunciating, and I could understand a lot more of what he was trying to say. It really is insanity....not only the entire sleep situation but the fact that things literally change over night. These are crazy times.....

Since I didn't take any pics at 1am, here are a few from our weekend.
All the animals Aiden decided to play with Friday night.
Did I mention he's never played with these?
Aiden had a very busy Saturday...so busy we thought it
would exhaust him. Crazy us, what were we thinking?
Aiden's first motorcycle ride taught us one important
thing...we are pretty sure he has motion sickness. I think

he was trying to give me the warning look here...
First ride in the "cool" grocery cart during
Sunday's run to the store...

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