Thursday, February 19, 2015

I Spy...

...a phone! Can you find it? (Look in the bottom left corner you and will see a little bit of the camera sticking out.) So tonight when we got home I couldn't find my phone, which isn't all that unusual. I really thought that I'd brought it in with me and left it in the kitchen, though, so I used Ryan's phone to call mine. And, wouldn't you know, I heard it ringing, in the kitchen, in th seat with my sleeping baby. I Spy is one of Aiden's favorite games these days...I'm not sure if he was trying to play it with me or just really thought that Soph had some calls to make. Ah, life with a toddler. 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

According to Aiden

Part of my conversation with Aiden this morning on the way to daycare:

Aiden: Look at those clouds! They're beau-diful. 
Me: Who made those clouds?
Aiden: God
Me: Yeah! And what else did God make?
Aiden: Birds, trees, branches. Light bulbs. 
Me: Well, Thomas Edison actually made light bulbs. 
Aiden: Thomas Medicine?

Yup. Thomas Medicine. 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Love Me Some Aiden!

Sophia is more emotional with her brother than anyone else. No one else can make her belly laugh....and no one else can make her scream, just when she looks at him. It's almost always the sweetest thing to watch the two of them interact. Ryan took this video of Soph watching Aiden on the trampoline the other week. It may be one of my most favorite videos in all the world....and, being the corny mother I am, I could happily watch it on repeat. Hope it brings a smile to your face too!

(Only downside of this fun video......Aiden now thinks shrieking in his sister's face is a fabulous idea...)

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Four (Pretty Fabulous) Months

Sophia Raye turned four months old on Sunday. Four crazy months! Aiden is only a couple months shy of being three year old. Three years! What's the point of my repetitive exclamations? That time passes absolutely, incredibly, too fast. My babes need to slow it down. I asked Aiden the other day if he could just stop growing, and I'm pretty sure he told me no. I bet I could convince him if I gave him enough candy.....or applesauce...or yogurt. Maybe plenty of oranges. Food is really the key to that kid's heart.

Sophia celebrated her monthly birthday by rolling over (back to tummy) on Saturday - wanted to squeeze it in while she was still 3 months old. Her weight loss last month has her weighing in at 10lbs 11oz....a solid 4th percentile. (Now maybe the excited bottle post makes a little more sense...) Her height was 24inches, which was in the 40th percentile. She did so much better at shots this time, compared to her 2 month visit. She was distracted almost the entire time with her froggy rattle. If food is the way to Aiden's heart, rattles might be the current way to Sophia's.

Sadly, little miss is not a cuddle bug. She's always trying to be on
the go...attempting to sit or straighten her legs and stand or just
kicking, kicking, kicking.

But it doesn't quite work out the way she'd like yet....she ends up
 like this or face down. You can just see how thrilled she is.

I couldn't get her to look at the camera for anything....

...but, in one of his first camera handling moments, Aiden snapped
 multiple with her staring right at him! Loves her some brother.